Witness to the Misuse of Prescription Drugs


August 2021

Thursday 19 August 2021

Online Intuit Somatic Movement

Thu 19 Aug, 7 pm. Gainesville Dance Association - [facebook][email][events]

Intuit somatic movement is a space to be as you are. As we dance we listen with the body.

Our embodiment is the clearest way to hear what needs to be attended to.
It might be our emotions or insight into our own internal guidance.
Many of us are dancing with I don't know right now, how do we befriend the mystery, finding freedom in the uncertainty if only for a moment while we are in motion and in stillness.

This is a guided journey of 8 songs to move with our inner world to transform our outer world.

We will meet over 12 weeks to develop community of like hearted people.
We will have a sharing and closing circle to recognize we are held exactly as we are.

Sliding scale $8 - 15
Paypal elementsmove@yahoo.com
Venmo Cassandra-Brizzi

About your guide Cassie Brizzi

She was one of the original members of the Asheville movement collective from 2005 - 2012 and was directly involved in this collaboration helping to develop a thriving group of 150 who gathered weekly in community. During this time CooperativeBody was initiated as an event coordination entity, inviting many teachers from different dance modalities for weekend workshops. The final event in Asheville, NC brought together 85 people from around the southeast and beyond.

Body Oracle is her form of moving meditation shared through classes and workshops they are geared toward a cross generational population. Her interest in cross generational work has solidified with her involvement with Golden Bridge, a global youth's rites of passage program out of Boulder, CO. Returning for 4 consecutive years her experience was culminated in attending the teacher training in 2017.

Though she has always been passionate about social justice Cassandra has become involved more deeply with on line courses of embodied social justice and how equality originates within a body centered perspective. Cassandra is also now completing her mind body therapy certificate program with Embodied Philosophy on line aiming to bring the realm of somatics together with the dance and private sessions.

After relocating back to new England Cassandra has initiated outreach to the 5 colleges in Western MA to begin programs geared toward college age youth and integrate the various age demographics within the dance community. She has joined in conversation in collaboration with Earthdance a retreat center who has worked with programs inviting inner city youth into rural environments through embodiment and movement study.
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