A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving

Israeli and International Partnership Dancing(tm)



Israeli and International Partnership Dancing(tm)

Ongoing Other. New York. Andrew Weitzen, 352-327-2378, publish@partnershipdancing.com. Israeli Partner Dancing - [events]

Israeli and International Partnership Dancing(tm) teaches you how to do every Israeli partner dance whether you or your partner know the steps or not. By following the simple rules of Partnership Dancing(tm) you and your partner can do every Israeli partner dance even when you do not know the steps. Learn how to dance with a partner by communicating using your body (not your hands). Learn partner dance skills that you can apply to every social dance. Become a better social dancer each time you go Israeli dancing. Accelerate your progress. Dance safely, without tension and free from injury. Look better. Learn dances faster. Be able to dance with the best dancers. Connect with your partner and create magic moments. Be more confident and popular.
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