A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving


November 2020

Friday 20 November 2020

Online Dance Friday Hosts 8nfinity Interwoven with Cassie Brizzi from Massachusetts

Fri 20 Nov, 7-9:30 pm. Gainesville. Gainesville Dance Association - [facebook][events]

7pm 11-20-20
8nfinity Dance: Interwoven
Led by Cassie Brizzi,
Dj'd dance to follow
Hosted by Dance Friday

Via Zoom

All of our bodies are constructed of interwoven DNA strands. These threads hold our individual characteristics of difference but as humans our building blocks are the same. This is the truth of what we share. In the dance we move to shed our layers, embodying 8nfinite ways to express and create together. In motion we weave the unique, the ordinary and the extraordinary as we learn to hold and surrender to what it is to simply be human.

8nfinity Dance brings us back to our bodies through an interweaving of modalities. This mission is about creating community and unity as movement medicine.

Set to 8 songs our practice is simple, yet together we will un-cover a lot of ground.

*We begin with an embodiment meditation to settle and arrive to ourselves and our shared space.
*We will explore somatic invitations that bring our unique expression and allow for what changes in relation to the other.
*We will come together as a group and share what was felt and what has shifted in our moment in time.

**** 5 Week Series Begins November 25 - December 23, 2020
Wednesdays will be Body Oracle, Fridays will share a guest presenter with good people doing good things in the world!??????

Cassandra Brizzi began her immersion into embodiment practices in 1992 and has integrated many forms to aid her as an intuitive body watcher and worker. Her introduction to experiential movement through dance inspired and changed her deeply. Dancing revealed a passion that carried her to many dance floors with many teachers in the U.S. and Europe. Her own journey brought the belief in the body's wisdom and how it guides us on this wild ride of life, carrying us home to ourselves to find healing and wholeness with time.

?Cassandra now shares her movement practice Body Oracle around the Northeast. Her intention is help others move with their own body awareness, exploring it as a resource of self exploration, healing and intuition. Cassandra works with groups as well as one to one sessions.

November 20, 2020
7 - 8:15 8nfinity
8:30 - 9:30 Dance Friday: Free Dance DJed Boogie

***All proceeds from this event will be donated to Dance New England to help support our dance home Camp Timber Trails.
Please help support this amazing organization!

To Donate go to registration.dne.org/donate.php

Barefoot Boogie!
The dance sets will be around 1 hour of carefully selected music from our devoted crew of DJ’s, put together from all eras and styles each set will contain Something for Everyone.

We have a short circle at the end where you will be invited to share briefly a reflection about your experience at this time, a poem, quote or song or something you are thankful for. No one has to share (you can always pass).

I have enabled the breakout room function on my account and intend to start using it at community dances. so that folks can have small group interactions and I can practice my tech skills. Send a note to me through chat function on zoom to let me know if you and a friend want to have a room to talk in during or after the dance.

Community Guidelines
Come and go any time starting at 8:15pm until our closing circle at 9:45pm.
Feel free to: dance, prep food, , or any other activity that is appropriate for all ages,
Please keep yourself muted except while in a verbal sharing portion
Keep your sharing—visual & auditory—family–friendly
Practice self–responsibility.
If you are uncomfortable being Pinned (a Zoom function to make another individual's image your main focus), prefix “no pin” or “NP” to your name, or turn off your video.
Practice obtaining consent. If you would like to Pin someone and they don’t have “YP” (Yes Pin) in their name, ask first (in the chat).
Refrain from taking video or photos
Ask for support when you need it.
Dance Schedule:
8:15pm Virtual doors open:
Arrive, settle in, listen to warm up songs
Test your audio
Check your space what in it? what size is your dance space? can you stretch out on the floor, what furniture can bear your weight during the dance.
Receive support on Zoom functions [such as Rename, View: Gallery or Grid or Speaker; Unmute/Mute; Pin Video]
Share a thought or feeling to help you be present
IF it suits you to dance to your own sounds during the dance its ok we can’t hear you.
Rename yourself on Zoom put the city you are in and y/p or n/p next to your name so that folks know it is okay to pin you or not.
8:30pm We Dance.
9:30pm Poetry music or visual art presentation.
9:45pm Closing circle with optional sharing.
Participation -come Play:
There is no choreography or steps, no "right" or "wrong", so you can't get it wrong. —as long as it's family–friendly. Dancing in your room for an hour is a long time the more you move the better you will feel.
So here are some tricks to try. things to try:

Bring things to play with scarfs, hoops Poi, stuffed animals Interact, brief interactions with others as you scroll through squares, invite others to pin your square Lead; Follow, Mirror others, Make eye contact; Avoid eye contact,. Practice dance steps let yourself be silly, contemplative.
Stay in one spot, Sit in a chair kick your legs spin. Use your environment as dance partners: the floor, your walls, chairs, couches, walkers, tables, beds, foam rollers, stability balls, trees, canes.

Intentions for Dance Freedom/Friday
To stay connected with each other in this time of separation & distance
To reconnect with ourselves, our bodies, our movements
To reconnect with our living spaces
To get our blood flowing, our heart rate up
To share art, music and other bits that lifted our spirits during the week.
To have opportunity to communicate with each other.
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