How To Dance With a Partner

Swing Dancing at Depot Park

Gainesville Swing Dancing

Florida North Central: Gainesville, Ocala - United States

Swing: Lindy, West Coast - Dance

Mon 4 Jun 2018
Swing Dancing at Depot Park Mon 6/04 Gainesville GSD


June 2018

Monday 4 June 2018

Swing Dancing at Depot Park

Mon 4 Jun, 7-8 pm. Depot Park, 200 SE Depot Avenue, Gainesville, 32601. $5. Gainesville Swing Dancing - [events]

Get in the swing of things this summer. Join the Florida Swing Dancing Club on Mondays from May 21 to August 6 to learn swing dancing.

No experience and no partner needed, family friendly, bring water and be prepared to have fun.
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