Ballroom - Dance
Thu 21 Jun 2018
June 2018
Thursday 21 June 2018
Thu 21 Jun, 7-9:15 pm. Rena's Ballroom, 720 NW 23 Ave, Gainesville. Eileen Paris, 352-331-2742, Ballroom Dancing with Parris Dance - [events]
Foxtrot I 7 to 8 pm
This is a progressive class in the classic dance Fox Trot starting with the basics and building each week. No experience needed, singles and couples are welcome to attend. Rotating partners is optional. 4 week cost: $40/person, $75/couple, or $32/college student. Try out the first class for $10/person.
Foxtrot II 8 to 9:15 pm
Progressive class in Silver Fox Trot. Must know the basics of open right & left & feather finishes to attend. 4 week cost: $45/person, $85/couple, or $32/college student.