A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving


June 2018

Sunday 24 June 2018

Ecstatic Dance Plus Gong and Potluck

Sun 24 Jun, 11 am. Aurora Healing Arts, 109 SE 4 Ave, Gainesville, 32601. 352-562-9919, beherenow@theheartribe.com. Aurora Healing Arts - [events]

Warm up beginning at 10:30 am.

Sweat your prayers at Dance Church.

Let love be your religion and move with us in that spirit, every other Sunday morning.

What a way to start your day, with movement, good vibrations, awesome community of people who are here to be authentic and real and have fun.

Ecstatic Dance is a magical time and place in sacred space to completely let go and be yourself. Listen to your intuition. Let your body and breath, be your guide. Let the music move you.

Join us in this free-form movement. Lead yourself through a diverse mix of music from different genres, eras and places around the world. Follow your heart to get in the flow and find yourself in the dance.

- 90 minutes of 5-rhythms style ecstatic dance.
- Culminate the dance by relaxing in a gong bath.
- Followed by a delectable vegan potluck.
- This is a substance free event
- Get in an altered state completely naturally

This dance happens Sunday of every week, alternating between 11 am and 7 pm

Whether you think you can dance or not, please come out. This is an opportunity to step into the unknown and find yourself, once again. Feel like it will be uncomfortable? This is common, and also a huge opportunity for growth. We promise, this is a safe container where we step out of judgement of one another, and ourselves.

The cost of the dance is $5-$10 sliding scale.

Parking is down the street at GRU or possibly next to the building if there is room.

We can't wait to dance, have fun and be real with you.
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