The Solution to a 1,000 Year Old Problem


February 2017

Friday 10 February 2017

Friday Night Valentine's Dance with Gosia and Ali

Fri 10 Feb, 8-11 pm. Rena's Ballroom, 720 NW 23 Ave, Gainesville, 32601. RIck, 352-317-2357, Rena's Ballroom - [events]

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Party Starts here. This is now the official debut of our Weekly Friday night Dance at Rena's Ballroom. Live Music, Dancing, Food and Fun times to Remember with your Host, Bob de Rochemont to greet you. Awesome and entertaining music of Gosia and Ali kicking it off.

Reservations are Recommended.
Seating is Limited.
Admission $15 at the door, $12 in advance.
$45 reserves a table for 4.
Call Rick at 352-317-2357 to reserve your seat.

Complimentary Red, White and Chocolate Wine or BYOB.
Heavy Hors d'oeurvres and Decadent Desserts.
Door Prizes and Special Prize for Best Dressed.
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