A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving

DFW Swing Out Class

Swing N Motion with Eric and Donna

Florida North Central: Gainesville, Ocala - United States

Swing: Lindy, West Coast - Dance

Thu 15 Nov 2018
2017 De Ja Fe Ma Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se OcNovember 2018De Ja Fe Ma Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc 2019

DFW Swing Out Class

DFW Swing Out Class Thu 11/15 Gainesville TexasSwing


November 2018

Thursday 15 November 2018

DFW Swing Out Class

Thu 15 Nov, 7-8:30 pm. Reichert House, 1704 SE 2 Avenue, Gainesville, 32641. snmgville@gmail.com. Swing N Motion with Eric and Donna - [events]

DFW Swingout is a partner, six-count dance of the Swing family, and a child of Lindy Hop. We learn using the Smooth Flava Dance method of instruction. Join us on Thursdays as we practice the basics and learn advance moves.
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