Be the Smartest Dancer in Your Group

Monthly Milonga at Thuy’s

Tango with Thuy

Florida North Central: Gainesville, Ocala - United States

Tango Argentine - Dance

Sat 17 Nov 2018
Monthly Milonga at Thuy’s Sat 11/17 Gainesville TangoThuy


November 2018

Saturday 17 November 2018

Monthly Milonga at Thuy’s

Sat 17 Nov, 8:30 pm-1 am. In a Private Home, Gainesville, 32605. David Chayes, Tango with Thuy - [facebook][events]

Cozy, elegant milonga.

Attendance is free. Do not hesitate to bring your favorite dish and, or beverage, to share.

Email David for directions.
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