A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving


August 2016

Friday 26 August 2016

Ballroom Dancing Workshop for Adults Fridays at the YMCA Week 3 of 4

Fri 26 Aug to Fri 2 Sep, 7:30 pm. North Central Florida YMCA, 5201 NW 34 Blvd, Gainesville, 32605. Alisha, 352-374-9622x51, a.mishell@ncfymca.org. $30 members ($50 couple), $40 visitors ($65 couple) for 4 weeks. Drop in $9 members, $12 visiters. Jacqueline Valdez - [events]

Jacqueline Valdez (celebrity dancer, model, author, fitness expert) will be teaching a basic ballroom dance workshop. Come out and learn this smooth, elegant, dramatic and fun style of dance. Individuals, couples and groups invited. Register at front desk or call.
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