Witness to the Misuse of Prescription Drugs


June 2016

Monday 6 June 2016

Advanced West Coast Swing and Rumba with Andy 3 of 5

Mon 6 Jun, 5:30-7:15 pm. Gainesville, 32605. Andrew Weitzen, 352-327-3672, publish@gainesvilledance.com. Swing Dance Gainesville - [events]

5:30 to 6:15 Advanced West Coast Swing
6:15 to 7:15 Beginning Rumba

Schedule varies based on participants requests. Generally we do Advanced West Coast Swing or Lindy Swing each week and another dance that you find useful at dance socials.

Everyone is encouraged to come the whole time. Beginning dancers are welcome at the advanced sessions.

Advanced West Coast Swing focuses on quality of movement, solid basics, partner connection, musicality, styling and improvisation.

Classes are with a small group on Monday nights where you get personal attention to help you get better. Sessions are adjusted to the individual needs of those attending.

For beginners, sessions are aimed at building confidence so you are comfortable going to dances.

For all dancers, attention is directed at helping you improve by mastering the fundamental techniques.

These are not drop-in classes. These are run in a series of 5 or 6-week sessions. Call or email to attend.

Two classes for the price of one.

Cost is $60 for 5 nights (one night free) or $15 per night.
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