A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving

Black and White

Boston Ballet

Massachusetts East: Boston - United States

Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Tap - Dance

Sun 15 Feb 2009
2008 Ma Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De JaFebruary 2009Ma Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja 2010

Black and White

Black and White Sun 2/15 Boston Boston Balle


February 2009

Sunday 15 February 2009

Black and White

Sun 15 Feb, 2 pm. 19 Clarendon Street, Boston, 02116-6100. 617-695-6950, development@bostonballet.com. Boston Ballet - [events]

Two performances: 2PM and 7PM No More Play MUSIC: Anton Webern Petite Mort MUSIC: W. A. Mozart Sarabande MUSIC: J. S. Bach Falling Angels MUSIC: Steve Reich Sechs Tänze MUSIC: W. A. Mozart " 'Dazzling’ doesn’t do justice to the program Boston Ballet performed last night.” —The Boston Globe raved when Kylián’s works were performed in 2005. “He’s an absolute master of his craft. He’s a genius. I feel that any dancer who has the chance to dance a Kylián work is so blessed. To have five of them in one night is fabulous.” – Mikko Nissinen, Artistic Director, Boston Ballet

The work of Jiøí Kylián, one of Europe’s most fascinating and celebrated choreographers, returns to Boston Ballet with his Black and White program. Falling Angels, a mesmerizing study in motion and minimalism, and Sarabande, a powerful display for six men, gave audiences a glimpse of Kylián’s unique and potent vision when they were presented here in 2005. Playing with space, shape and contrast, Kylián’s work will challenge, enlighten and move you. Boston Ballet is the first company outside of Nederlands Dans Theater to perform Kylián’s Black and White series: this program is exclusive to Boston Ballet.

Black and White Run Time: 2 hours including 2 intermissions

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